Data Base Management System Practical Question Solution..

            Database Name:- Practicedb
            Employee_detail (eno , ename , title , salary , dno )
            Project  ( pno , pname , budget , dno )
            Dept  ( dno , dname , mgreno )                                                                 
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1.       Create tables with the following name and given attributes as given above.
è Create database practicedb;
è Use practicedb;
è Create table employee_detail (eno int , ename varchar(35) , title varchar(35) , salary int , dno int );
è Create table project (pno int , pname varcahr(35) , budget int , dno int );
è Create table dept (dno int , dname varchar(35) , mgreno int );
è Desc employee_detail;
è Desc project;
è Desc dept;

2.       Insert values in the table as suggested above.
è Insert into employee_detail values (101,”Netra”,”DG”,45000,1001) , (102,”Durga”,”prog”,47000,1002),(103,”Suraj”,”NWA”,40000,1003),
è Select * from employee_detail;                 

è Insert into project values(101,”sweeper”,500000,1001),(102,”mine”,950000,1002),

è Insert into dept values(1001,”consulting”,101),(1002,”net”,102),(1003,”Devmnt”,1003),
(104,”Admin”,1004),(105,”mgnt”,1005),(106,”Tech_sup”,1006),(107,”recpt”,1007) ;

è 1.    Select * from project ;
è 2.   Select * from dept ;
3.       Add a column “Address” in employee_detail.
è Alter table employee_detail   add   Address  varchar(45) ;
è Desc  employee_detail ;

4.       List all the project that has budget greater than 2,00,000.
è Select  *  from project
Where  budget  > 200000 ;
5.       Count the project whose budget is greater than 2,00,000.
è Select  count ( * )  from project
Where  budget > 250000 ;
6.       Return the name of the employee_detail whose salary is maximum and minimum.
è Select  max ( salary )  from employee_detail ;
è Select min ( salary )  from employee_detail ;

7.       Get the names of the employee_detail whose name start with the latter ‘N’ .
è Select  ename from employee_detail
Where  ename like ’N%’  ;

8.       Write an SQL query that returns the employee name , department number & employee title .
è Select  ename , dno , title
From  employee_detail ;
9.       Write a SQL query that returns the employee name with a salary greater than 35,000.
è Select ename   from employee_detail
Where  salary > 35000 ;
10.   Write an SQL query that returns the project number and project name for project with a budget greater than Rs. 1,00,000 .
è Select  pno , pname  from project
Where  budget > 100000 ;            

11.   Write an SQL query that name of the employee with maximum salary and title is ‘prog’.
è Select max ( salary )
from employee_detail
where title = “ prog “;
12.   Write and SQL query that returns the employee (number and name only) who have a title of ‘EE’ or ‘SA’ and make more than Rs. 35,000.
è Select  eno , ename from employee_detail
Where title=”EE” OR “SA” AND salary > 35000 ;
13.   Write an SQL query that returns the employee numbers and salaries of all employee in the ‘Consulting’ department ordered by descending salary.
è Select eno, salary from employee_detail, dept
Where employee_detail.dno = dept.dno AND dept.dname=”consulting”
Order by salary desc ;
14.   Write an SQL query that returns the employee name , title and department name.
è Select employee_detail.ename, employee_detail.title, Dept.dname
From employee_detail, dept
Where employee_detail.dno = dept.dno ;
15.   Write an SQL query the arrange the salary of employee in ‘Ascending’ and ‘Descending’ order.
è Select salary from employee_detail
Order by salary asc ;
è Select salary from employee_detail
Order by salary desc ;
16.   Return the employee name and title who works in dno=1001 (I would like to see the use of SUBQUERY here).
è Select ename, title from employee_detail
Where dno=(select dno from employee_detail Where dno=1001);
17.   Create a view table with project name and budget from budget table.
è Create view budget as
Select  pname , budget    From project ;
è Select  *  from budget ;